This week the dcm challenge was to make a card using squares :Well Hello !! Friday has come round again soooo fast ! Its my turn (Jane) to dare this week. Okay -are you ready ? For my dare you can choose any theme for the card BUT it must incorporate 'Checks', whether it be gingham paper or ribbon or squares, any thing really as long as it incorporates some kind of shape with 4 equal sides....... so go on- I dare you to think outside the square/step out of the box ..............easy as, eh ?!!
I used lots of scraps of patterned paper to do some serendipity, been collecting bits for ages. Flowers are Bazzill Blossoms, Bazzill itty bitty blossom and just pots funky flowers.
Today was also the Highland Games, we had a fantastic time!
the pipers leading the parade to the games
the Highland dancing - these girls are amazing!
Love the heavies hurling the hammer...

What a day, all this and the most fantastic seafood on offer from a local restaurant. The rain almost held off, just a couple of showers so we did well really!