
Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Blog Candy

Blog Candy to celebrate my Blogoversary ( a couple of weeks ago), my birthday ( a week ago) and my counter very close to 30,000 hits!
Many thanks to all of you who come along and visit, those who leave me lovely comments and good wishes and those of you who have sent me fabby things over the last few weeks!
Here is a little token of my appreciation!
Just leave me a comment below the post and I will chose someone at random to win this little lot plus some images of your choice! closing date midnight (GMT) saturday 19 July.
To make it interesting you can tell me what your favourite birthday present was for your latest birthday or your most unusual present. For my birthday this year my DH bought me a load of wood which he and my eldest son are going to make into a raised vegetable bed and also a cold frame to start off my veggies! I hope it will be made by spring hehe!

More blog candy alert!

Check out these blogs, fabulous blog candy on offer!!!







Chrissie said...

Congratulation on all of your "versaries" Deb. I've posted a link on my blog and would love to be included in the draw for your blog candy.

Susie Little said...

Wow what a lot of celebrating you've got to do!!
James has just ordered me for my B'day in 2 weeks a huge pile of Basic Grey goodies from the US!
Thank you for the chance to win!

Jen said...

Congratulations on getting so many hits and a belated "Happy Birthday".
My favourite birthday present (even though I got it slightly early) was a Cricut Expression and a few cartridges.
Thank you for offering such generous candy, I'll go and spread the word.
Jen x

Cindy Vernon said...

My favorite birthday present was going to dinner with all my friends and family!

Heather Huggins said...

Wow thats super. Hope you had a fabulous holiday!!

Linnie said...

Wow congratulations sosoo many hits..thankyou for the blog candy on offer fave pressy was a golden retreiver puppy who lived to be 14 sadly lost her last year but she had a wonderful life...please visit me on

Deb Neerman said...


My favorite b-day present was a much-needed vacation! Hope I get the same gift again ....

Charli said...

Congratulations on the blog hits!
I don't really kno what my favourite birthday present was because I always like them all!

Anne said...

That is a lot of celebrations - well done! And your candy looks yummy!
My favourite present this year was a tin of pencils :) People laughed at me, but it was a large tin of good quality watercolour pencils, and I love them :)
Hope you enjoyed your holiday - can't wait till we go, the girls need a change of scenery... or go back to school... :)

My Paper World said...

Your candy looks fab Deb!
Congrats on the celebrations!
My fave pressies are always crafting ones! xx

asia wu said...

Congratulations on your Blogoversary and 30,000 hits!

The most unsual present was my friend who jumped out of a huge box in a little black dress. Did I mention it was a guy?

me said...

Yay for blog candy :)

Mmh best gift my last birthday... can't think of anything did receive an autographed audiobook of Torchwood (signed by John Barrowman) the year before from my friends.

Also added link to it to my

Annie said...

congratulations Deb! my last pressie from DH was a bright pink rubber garden carry bag thingie! I guess it was to go with the pink flowery wellies he gave me at xmas! well a girl can never have too many bags and shoes can she! annie x

Dawn♥ said...

Oh Happy Belated Birthday to you Deb?

My last birthday gift my husband gave me was a mountain bike. I haven't even rode it this year! lol!

Didn't get anything this year.

Risa said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary Deb!
My favorite birthday present was from my son when he was 10 yrs. He didn't have any money to buy me a present, so he tried to make me a caramel apple using the caramel wraps. He was so proud of his efforts and the both of us ate the lop sided caramel coated apple together. Talk about a Kodak Moment:)

V Colbourne said...

Congrats on everything. You cards are amazing, very talented :)
I am linking you up to my blog right now and posting a little entry for others to see this wonderful site!
My favorite birthday present last year wasn't a physical present per say, it was my boyfriend getting home the night of my birthday. Not only was it a huge surprise, it was much needed and wanted because one of our best friends was tragically taken from us on my birthday. It was a hard day in my little community of 200, however, just seeing my boyfriend put some love and hope back in my life.


cpullum said...

Congrats!!! Thanks for the nice giveaway!! Priceless items!!

Jacqueline TresBella said...

My favorite birthday present was a cricut! I love it. THanks for the blog candy!


Vicki May said...

Wow what lovely cards you had for your birthday. I love the balanced diet one especially made me laugh. Hope you had a great day and got loads of crafting bits x Vicki

Bunny B said...

Happy (belated) Birthday and Happy Blogiversary!! And congrats on the many, many hits!
My fave birthday present was a charm bracelet! I'm a sucker for charms!! :)
Thank you for the chance!

bunnybox9 at gmail . com

debby4000 said...

Congrats Deb on your Blogiversary
My fave Birthday present is the one for the Birthday I haven't had which is my PC, which is also my Christmas present.

AmethystCat said...

Happy Blogaversary, Happy Birthday and Congrats on all the hits to your blog! I love visiting your blog and getting inspired by your creations. You're so talented!

hmmm - my favorite birthday gift from this last b-day (the big 4-0) was a surprise birthday party from my friends. It was a great evening full of laughter!

tyrymom29 said...

Congrats on the celebration WOOHOO I have just found your blog tru Nicola at My paper world !! Im off to check it out more !!! Have a great day and THank you for the chance !!!

maya's fun art said...

so' its my birthday today and I had a really wonderfull day - my husband took care of our children today so that I can sleep until late and he bought me two sarah key stamps that I asked for - thats my best present!!!

thank you for this chance

Lisa G. said...

Nice candy...and very very nice art you create!

Well my most memorable gift has to be my mother's day gift this year...I received an old vintage CP Rail lock. It has the orginal brass key and it works! Then I showed my mom and she told me that my great grandfather used to work on the lines and was the night watchman changing the lines! How cool is that!

Anonymous said...

My fav present from my last b-day was a manicure/pedicure at a local spa


craftyb said...

Hi Deb, lovely candy offer!! My favourite present this year was definitely my hanglar stanglar stamps...!! Your pressie is quite unusual...good luck with the veggies! bx

Sam said...

Happy belated birthday, you had heaps of lovely cards. I have 2 best birthday presents, the first a long time ago, was my engagement ring, and the one from my last birthday was a Cricut machine.
Fab blog candy, would love to win it.
Sam x

Erin... said...

Congrats!!! Fantastic candy!!! My birthday was last week adn my parent's dropped by with a nice hot cup of tea!! We laughed that you know your getting older when your parents give you a cup of tea for your bday and that's what you really wanted!! thanks for the chance:)

Ila said...

Congraulations on all the hits!! and Happy Belated Birthday!
I think the best present I got this last birthday was all the stamping goodies I got from everyone. TFS and thanks so much for spreading the word about my Blog candy!!

Unknown said...

I got charcoal for my birthday. Well, and a grill. ;) It's weird, I know, but I asked for it!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Andrea said...

Congratulations Deb!
Wow, great candy. I post it on my blog.
Hugs, Andrea

mueppi said...

Hi Deb,
congratulation on all of your "versaries"
I've posted a link on my blog and would love to be included in the draw for your blog candy.
Hugs Gisela

ribenaruby said...

Congratulations on all the celebrations! Well done on reaching your fantastic mark. Nice candy too!

Debbie said...

Hi Deb Fab Candy on offer, My Best Birthday present was this years, my DH Bought me a Load of my fav Hanglar stamps.

maiahs_momma said...

Lol, the most unusual gift I got for a birthday would have to be a paintball gun. My dh seemed to think I needed one, or that I needed one so that he could have it. I dunno what the thought was behind it, but needless to say I have only used it once.


CraftyC said...

Congratulations on 30,000 hits deb! Today is my 14th wedding Anniversary. My bestest pressie was for my 30th when my hubbie bought me a diamond ring and for our 10th wedding anniversary he bought me a diamond watch. Keep blogging!

*Arwen* said...

Congratulations Deb!
It's a great candy. Love it =)

Janet said...

Congrats! You had quite a few celebrations lately. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy!

sandyh50 said...

Congrats on your birthday and blogaversary! My favorite birthday present was my Stampin' Up order that I placed. I told my husband it was from him! LOL!

Leann said...

Fave pressie? Gotta be the takeaway I *lent* Big Horror the money for!

Hope your pile of wood doesn't stay a pile of wood for too long!

Alex said...

Whoohoo, Happy Anniversary Deb - congrats to you!! Love your candy, how generous! Hmmmmm...well, my MIL gave me chocolate covered prunes one year - she honestly thought I would like them - YUK! HaHaHa - she has gotten MUCH better at presents since then! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

Anonymous said...

hello from France

I try to write in English,you blog is so lovely...
and congratulation for all that hit

it's great...

I put the link of this candy on me blog

see you later perhaps ;-))

Annelies said...

Congratulations! My best birthday present last year was a box full with patterned papers from K&Company. I've already used lots of them. Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Dawn Wheeler said...

Wow Deb ,fabulous blog candy ,thanks for the chance to win ,
well last year i wanted a new handbag so hubbie and kids went to get it but they had sold out so my kids made me one bless them and i use it to keep me water colour pencils in lolxxx ,Thanks again Dawnxx

Linanna DESIGNS said...

Wow 30,000 hits, thats fantastic! I will be happy just to celebrate 1,000 !! Wonderful of you to offer some blog candy. For me the best birthday present is to just have my family around me, and second to that gifts from people you don't expect to get gifts from are always special. Happy crafting Linda x
Ps belated happy birthday wishes

Karin said...

wauw, great blogcandy.
Thanks for giving me the chance to winn this.
You're on my blog.

xoxo Karin

Fiorella said...

I've just discovered your's awesome! Thanks for sharing your creations.
Hugs from Italy

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday! My birthday was in March and my husband took my son to the craft store and let him pick out something for me. My husband helped to limit the choices a little, but my son picked out the crop-a-dile since it sounds like crocodile. So, I have been having a lot of fun with that lately. Thanks for the chance to get some great blog candy!

Jenny said...

Congrats on the blogaversary and happy birthday! My favorite birthday present was my cricut! Now for every occasion I just ask for cartridges! This is fun! I will post on my blog to help spread the word!

craft mad Jenny said...

happy blogoversary!! congrats!

my best birthday wasn't really a present, but we decided to get married on my birthday, which was really nice - we had a lovely day, great party, and I got to share my birthday with all my friends and family!! it won't be forgotten anyway!

Kim's Life said...

Wow, 30,000!!!! Way To Go!!!! Beautiful creations too!!! Have a great Day!

Camilla said...

Congratulations on your 30 000!! My funniest gift is from my husbond for christmas. He had made a puzzle, where I had to look all over the house to get the next clue;) When I finally had solved the puzzle (it took ages;P), I got a weekend at a hotel in Bergen, and a ticket for a show to see the best Norwegian Stand up comedian, Dagfinn Lyngbø!! The best present ever!!!

lisa808 said...

Congratulations on so many hits.

Great blog candy. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm posting a link on my blog. You can visit me here:

As for a favorite birthday present--that's tough. I'm happy no matter what!

Anonymous said...

30.000!! That is a great amount of people! Congrats!
I like the colors of the blogcandy! :)

Thanks for all the inspiration in your blog!

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Congratulations to 30.000 Hits.......Thank you for the chance to Win this wonderful Blogcandy.......

I have link you on my Blog


scrappinpeg said...

Congratulations on your anniversary celebration! Wow a lot of hits!!!!! I've enjoyed browsing your blog. Thanks for a chance to win the blog candy... Enjoy the weekend! Peggy

Kos med papir og saks said...

congrats. hope you got a fab weekend. pretty creations

PattiM said...

Congratulations... You have alot going on right now....LOL Happy everything!
Awesome blog candy, thank you for offering it up...
Favorite Bday present....Has to be each bday since I started scrapping, all scrapping goodies... And this year, I'll be ordering stamps and copic's... WHoooooo Hooooooo!


(Pattie's passion)

I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy everything Deb ... lots of reasons to celebrate!
My favorite bday present was my notebook. Thanks for the chance to win all of those goodies!

Nixe-Moni said...

Wow Deb, what a great Blog Candy ... Thanks for the chance to win :)Congratulations on all the Hits! My favourite present this year was many great stamps of Magnolia.
Hugs, Moni

usafcole said...

One unusual but great gifts that my husband did for me was to take me out for all three meals on my birthday. Breakfast was with the kids. At lunch, it was extended family. Then for dinner, it was a nice restraunt and just the two of us. There he gave me some other gifts...but for once in my life, I did not have to prepare a single meal. It was great.

Andrea, said...

Hi Deb, left a link to your candy on my blog. My best pressie last year was hubby ordering the Magnolia spring stamp club for me on my birthday and the fab meal we all went for

Petra said...

wow what a nice and bright colours

I left a post on my blog


Kim said...

Great blog candy! Yummy! My favorite gift my last birthday would have to be a Martina McBride Live in Concert CD that my good friend gave me with an added bonus DVD of her concert. It is awesome!

Donna said...

Happy belated birthday, my fav presents were always the one's my children bought me with money they had saved themselves, i'll alway's treasure them, even the flowers i got 15 years ago are dried and kept. I have left a link on my blog. Donna x

Anonymous said...

yeah...i love these colors.
they just look like summer-beach,green grass...

Anonymous said...

oopppss..forgot to tell you what my favorite b'day present was...
it would have to be the blue triangle topaz my hubby gave me. it is the same color of the blue in your blog candy. it became the piece i wear all the time.

Donna Baker said...

congratulations & Happy Birthday! this year my BFF made me a scrapbook cake (it had pics from my trip to see niece & nephew) it was hard to eat but oh so delicious

Gill said...

Congratulations and happy belated birthday...I'm always late..sorry, fab candy thanks for a chance to win
lv Gill x

Maria said...

Wow - congrats Deb! Great blog candy. My fav birthday present was from my hubbie last year - a trip to New York. Thanks for the chance to win.

Claudia Rosa ~ Pretty Pressings said...

Thank you Deb.. i will be more than happy to link your blog candy tomorrow on my blog. I love this candy and your blog even more :-)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

This is the first time I'm visiting your blog and I really like your cards and nature photos!
On my latest birthday the favourite present was the paper cutter my husband bought for me.
After that I've used it a lot!
Greetins from Anita H, Finland

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win your awesome blogcandy! My best gift last b-day was a much wanted iPod. I thougt I was going to get lots of scrapbooking-goodies, but my family reasoned that I would get whatever I needed anyway so they chose to get me something non-scrappy instead! Works for me! :)

scrappernic said...

Congrats! I can't remember my bday presents--how sad--LOL! Actually, my sister and hubby bought me the seasons of Friends that I was missing, so now I have the complete set :) I can remember my fave bday presents though--in 1997, I got my engagement ring and 3 years ago, I got my Canon SLR.

Valérie Goldenschue said...

Félicitation pour toutes ses choses à fêter

Sammie said...

My favorite birthday present was knowing that my son was home and he was out of the danger zone. ICU..

The Crafty Den said...

Happy belated birthday and congratulations on your "mega hits". Well it was my birthday yesterday, and I'm not officially counting any more years ;) and I had a surprise present from my husband of a white gold bracelet. It is stunning and I had no idea it was coming. How cool is that!! Have a great day. Lots of love, Denise x

Karen said...

Congratulations on all your celebrations. Have put a link to you in the candy roll call right side of my blog

I think best hubby presents for me each birthday are that he will buy me what I ask for and want: Though I rarely get any surprises, it does mean I like what I get!

danemi1 said...

well done on your anniversary

My fav pressie recently was at Christmas - and my scrapitude swapee sent to me a decorated box - inside it was lots of 7 gypsies bits and bobs - yankee candles - alphas - brads - you name it - it was in there and everything was wrapped up in either handmade boxes or tissue - I kept oohing and aahing all the way through it - it was beautiful and I loved opening it

a link to my blog is here

Christine (All She Crafts) said...

Fantastic cards, fantastic blog, and lovely blog candy! :o)

Thank you for offering the opportunity to win it! Have linked to your post on the sidebar of my blog HERE

Christine (All She Crafts) said...

Grrrr! My link didn't work.. My blog is here:

Vixen said...

It´s my birtday in 11 days and I hope too get remembered by someone... I don´t need anything as long as anyone want to come over or send me a card.

InkyAndScrappy said...

Happy Birthdays!!! Well Mine was a month ago. I got myself some stamps, always my fav to self gift.

Maya said...

Happy birthday and congrats on all you`re visitors :)
For my birthday i got me a silhouette! *smile*

Thanks for the chance to win.
I`ve linked you here;

Hugs from Maya

TinaJewel said...

I love your cards!
I subscribed to you and linked also!

Caroline said...

I love all your cards, and what a great candy you're offering, congratulations on all your hits and a happy belated birthday!! haven't had my birthday yet so not sure what i'll get.... but one of my most unusual gifts was an umbrella in the middle of a heatwave/drought!!!!! have linked you on my blog

chiara_francy said...

eccomi anche qui!

Bubbles said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary, all of your hits and your birthday! Your candy looks fab. My fave birthday present was a huge jewelery box from hubby it was a complete surprise!
Joanne x

Helena said...

Lovely blog candy!!!

My DH got me vouchers for my LSS, which was just perfect for me! KWIM, no more smiling and saying how lovely, when it was the last thing you wanted! KWIM! LOL


Lainy's Little Blog said...

Congratulations on your hits and I hope that you enjoyed your birthday. My best present was going to Stobo Castle on my 30th birthday while I was 30 weeks pregnant! Bliss!

Mollymoo Creates said...

Ooo lovely candy! I have put a link on my blog :-) It's hard to choose my favourite bday present, as it was my bday not long ago and I got loads of craft stuff! I'd probably say my flowers and ribbons though, always good to add to stash!!

Sammi said...

Hi Deb! Congratulations on all your hits!! What a lovely looking candy stash .. very generous of you to offer this.
My favourite birthday present was a couple of years ago ... It was a Mystery Weekend (from my husband) he took us to a 5 star hotel in the city!!

Victoria said...

Congratulations Deb on your blogoversary and 30,000 hits. I have left a link to your candy on my blog. My favourite present from this years birthday was from my boyfriend. He payed for me to have a massage & facial, but it was on the beach in the Maldives as that's where we celebrated my birthday this year. Bliss!