I am so lucky! I have had lovely mail every day this week, I feel very special and so look forward to the postie coming. How disappointing it will be when it all ends and she only brings bills!
My lovely SBS4 sister Chris sent me this gorgeous RAK and fabulous card. How fantastic are all these goodies? Thank you so much Chris, you made my day!
I have loads of birthday cards to share with you but my computer is on a go slow tonight so I will post them tomorrow and share them over the next few days!
I also have some blog candy to offer you but I want to add something more to it first so watch this space!
Oooh, what a terrific gift. Our sister, Chris, really KNOWS how to spoil a girl, doesn't she?! I have been on the receiving end in the past as well. She's so sweet. I love the card, and the charms, and the little stamp sets . . . ok I will stop now *wink* :D Kel
That's great Deb. You deserved all that. I'm happy for you.
Happy Birthday!!
Big HUgs,
Wishing you a very Happy Birthay Deb.. Have a great day, Hugs, Nikki x
Wonderful goodies, there Deb! Happy Birthday!!
FUN Stuff! Happy mail rocks :)
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